IMDB Top 200 영화 (영화로 영어를 배웁니다)

1. 영어공부 적합성


- 어휘 난이도 : 중상(약간 어려움)

- 속도 빠르기 : 중 

- 발음 선명도 : 중  

- 영어 공부용으로는 아주 보통임(욕설 약간, 잔인한 장면 거의 없음, 노출 거의 없음)


2. 영화 감상평 


이미지 68.png

(레오나르도 디카프리오(영화 중 이름은 코브)가 인셉션을 시현하고 있는 장면)


마지막 장면에 디카프리오의 토템이 어떻게 되는지 너무 궁금합니다.


작성중 입니다....


이미지 69.png

(아이들과 만나는 장면)


3. 영화에서 배울만한 영어 어휘


작성중 입니다....


4. 반복학습 영상 (영화를 보신 후에 영어 듣기 및 어휘 공부용으로 사용하세요)



5. 학습용 스크립트


(1) A man possessed of some radical notions.

(2) What is the most resilient parasite? A bacteria? A virus? An intestinal worm?

(3) Yes. In the dream state, your conscious defences are lowered and that makes your thoughts vulnerable to theft.

(4) Mr. Saito, we can train your subconscious to defend itself from even the most skilled extractor.

(5) I need to know my way around your thoughts better than your wife better than your therapist, better than anyone.

(6) With a dilemma.  They're getting closer. You got what you came for. Well, that's not true.

(7) Question is, why would you let us in at all?  An audition.

(8) We extracted every bit of information you had in there. But your deception was obvious.

(9) It's stained and frayed in such distinctive ways. But very definitely made of wool.

(10) Asshole. How do you mess up the carpet? It wasn't my fault.  You're the architect. I didn't know he was gonna rub his cheek on it!

(11) He's not gonna check every compartment. Yeah, well, I don't like trains.

(12) It's getting worse, isn't it?  One apology's all you're getting, all right?

(13) He sold you out. Thought to come to me and bargain for his life.

(14) The subject's mind can always trace the genesis of the idea. True inspiration's impossible to fake.  That's not true.

(15) The subject's mind can always trace the genesis of the idea. True inspiration's impossible to fake.  That's not true.

(16) His son will soon inherit control of the corporation.

(17) No space to think in that broom cupboard. Is it safe for you to be here?

(18) Extradition between France and the United States is a bureaucratic nightmare, you know that.

(19) It's the chance to build cathedrals, entire cities things that never existed...

(20) You have two minutes to design a maze that it takes one minute to solve. Stop.

(21) They say we only use a fraction of our brain's true potential. Now, that's when we're awake.

(22) We create and perceive our world simultaneously.

(23) Remember, you are the dreamer. You build this world. I am the subject. My mind populates it. You can literally talk to my subconscious.

(24) Why not?  Building a dream from your memory is the easiest way to lose your grasp on what's real and what is a dream.

(25) She'll need a totem. What? A totem, it's a small personal... That's some subconscious you have got on you, Cobb!

(26) Rub them together all you want, they're not gonna breed. You never know.

(27) So, what is this idea that you need to plant? We need the heir of a major corporation to dissolve his father's empire.

(28) He, uh, formulates his own versions of the compounds. Why don't you take me there?

(29) Shall we take a look at some paradoxical architecture?

(30) What kind of tricks? In a dream, you can cheat architecture into impossible shapes.

(31) Three. Not possible. That many dreams within dreams is too unstable.

(32) It is possible. You just have to add a sedative. A powerful sedative.

(33) Mr. Saito, this isn't your typical corporate espionage. You asked me for inception.

(34) Mr. Browning Maurice Fischer's policy is always one of avoiding litigation.

(35) Must be a cherished memory of his. I put it beside his bed. He hasn't even noticed.

(36) I know this is hard, but it's imperative...  not now, Uncle Peter.

(37) The vultures are circling. And the sicker Maurice Fischer becomes, the more powerful Peter Browning becomes.

(38) I have had ample opportunity to observe Browning and adopt his physical presence, study his mannerisms, and so on and so forth.

(39) So now in the first layer of the dream, I can impersonate Browning.

(40) Your condescension, as always, is much appreciated, Arthur, thank you.

(41) So you're learning, huh? An elegant solution for keeping track of reality.

(42) Well, she would sabotage the whole operation. Cobb, Do the others know?  No. No, they don't.

(43) We all yearn for reconciliation, for catharsis.

(44) Three layers down, the dreams are gonna collapse with the slightest disturbance. Sedation.

(45) That's the clever part. I customised the sedative to leave inner-ear function unimpaired.

(46) Or tipping. The trick is to synchronise a kick that can penetrate all three levels.

(47) Complete the job en route I make one phone call from the plane...

(48) Why the hell were we ambushed? Those were not normal projections. They would been trained, for God's sakes.

(49) He's in agony. I'm waking him up. No. It won't wake him up.

(50) Right. So, what happens when we die? We drop into limbo.  are you serious? Limbo? Unconstructed dream space.

(51) they Just wanna ransom us.  I heard them. They're gonna lock us in that van, and then drive it into the river.

(52) This would supersede the other if you want it to. It splits up the component businesses of Fischer Morrow.

(53) She was certain there was nothing I could do no matter how much I begged, no matter how much I pleaded.

(54) She had herself declared sane by three different psychiatrists.

(55) And if we are gonna succeed in this you have to forgive yourself, and you're gonna have to confront her.

(56) All right. I don't know any combination. not consciously, anyway. How about instinctively, huh?

(57) We need to shift his animosity from his father to his godfather.

(58) It's a gambit designed to turn Fischer against his own subconscious. And why don't you approve?

(59) I couldn't let you rise to your father's last taunt. what taunt?  the will, Robert. that will?

(60) It's designed as a labyrinth. There must be access routes that cut through the maze.

(61) After Mal became pregnant, that became our home. You reconstructed all of this from memory?

(62) I'm gonna improvise. Listen, there's something you should know about me. About inception.

(63) Not feeling persecuted, Dom? Chased around the globe by anonymous corporations and police forces...


6. 학습용 mp3 리스트 (다운로드 가능)




003_vulnerable_취약한.영향받기 쉬운.위기의.노출되어 있는.민감한.mp3

004_subconscious_잠재 의식의.잠재 의식.어렴풋이 의식하는.mp3

005_therapist_치료사.치료 전문가.임상의.mp3

006_dilemma_딜레마.어려운 문제.mp3

007_audition_심사.오디션을 하다.오디션.mp3


009_frayed_해어진.극도로 긴장된.소모된.mp3




013_bargain_흥정하다.매매 계약.헐값.싼 물건.mp3





018_extradition_본국 송환.도주범 인도.도망범인도.mp3


020_maze_미로.당혹하게 하다.미궁.mp3





025_totem_토템.토템상.숭배되는 표상.mp3




029_paradoxical_역설의.모순적인.패러독스.반대.궤변을 늘어놓는.mp3

030_cheat_속이다.부정 행위.바람 피우다.속임수.사기꾼.mp3

031_unstable_불안정한.변하기 쉬운.고정성 없는.mp3


033_espionage_스파이 행위.첩보 활동.간첩행위.mp3


035_cherished_소중하게 간직한.중요하게 지켜져 온.mp3

036_imperative_필수의.반드시 …해야 하는.긴급한.위엄 있는.책무.mp3



039_impersonate_대역을 하다.흉내를 내다.구체화된.mp3

040_condescension_겸손.생색 내는 듯한 태도.공손.mp3


042_sabotage_방해.파괴 .사보타주.침투.망치는.mp3



045_unimpaired_손상되지 않은.약화되지 않은.감소 안된.mp3





050_limbo_지옥의 변방.림보.교도소.mp3


052_supersede_대체하다.대신하다.교체하다.자리를 바꾸다.mp3






058_gambit_책략.실마리.초반의 수.mp3

059_taunt_높고 잘 정비된.비웃다.악담을 퍼붓다.mp3

060_labyrinth_미로.미궁.미로 무늬.mp3





7. 네이버 영화 링크



감독 크리스토퍼 놀란


출연 레오나르도 디카프리오, 와타나베 켄, 조셉 고든 레빗, 마리옹 꼬띠아르, 엘렌 페이지, 톰 하디


개봉 2010 미국, 영국


사진 및 파일 첨부

여기에 파일을 끌어 놓거나 왼쪽의 버튼을 클릭하세요.

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