IMDB Top 200 영화 (영화로 영어를 배웁니다)

1. 영어공부 적합성


- 어휘 난이도 : 중

- 속도 빠르기 : 중 

- 발음 선명도 : 중  

- 영어 공부용으로는 보통임(욕설 약간 있음, 잔인한 장면 있음, 노출 약간 있음)


2. 영화 감상평 


이미지 66.png

(유태인 사냥을 즐기고 있는 독일군 장교)


Whoever saves one life, saves the world entire. (탈무드 중에서)


3. 영화에서 배울만한 영어 어휘


어휘 중 a summary execution를 처음 보면 '즉결 처형'으로 생각하기 쉽지 않습니다. 왜냐하면, summary를 요약으로 알고 있기 때문입니다. 만약  a summary execution이란 용어를 모른 상태에서  '즉결 처형'이란 단어를 조합하고자 하면, improvising 또는 instant를 먼저 머리에 떠올릴 듯 합니다. 어학이란 많이 보고 듣고 연습하지 않으면 안되는 이유입니다.


4. 반복학습 영상 (영화를 보신 후에 영어 듣기 및 어휘 공부용으로 사용하세요)




5. 학습용 스크립트


(1) Mmm, what a lovely fragrance. You are breaking my heart. An extra chair, please. Vodka for my friend.

(2) Two days after the law is passed that all Jews have to wear the star,

(3) A good company, you think? Modestly successful. I know nothing about enamelware. Do you? I was just the accountant.

(4) I'd see that it had a certain panache. That's what I'm good at, not the work. Not the work.

(5) Pardon me for interfering, but that's a nice shirt. Nice shirt.

(6) Chodz. You need to convince them you have a trade, something valuable to the war effort.

(7) I used to work at the hydroelectric station in Roznow. Blauschein.

(8) experienced artisans and journeymen deliver a product of unparalleled quality,

(9) My father was fond of saying, You need three things in life, a good doctor, a forgiving priest, and a clever accountant.

(10) The usual thing would be to acknowledge my gratitude. It would also, by the way, be the courteous thing.

(11) It's not a charade, all this? How could it be a charade? The clothes, the car,

(12) He did something extraordinary. He did something no one else did.

(13) It's comforting to see that nothing's changed. You're wrong, Emilie.

(14) Jews shoveling snow, it's got a ritual significance.

(15) I lost a worker. I expect to be compensated.

(16) My plant manager is somewhere on this train. If it leaves with him on it, it'll disrupt production and the Armaments Board will want to know why.

(17) Left side, Ghetto B, surplus labor, the elderly and infirm, mostly.

(18) You call that a villa? Their synagogue, can you see it? That's not a villa. We're planning to turn it into the camp stables.

(19) If not, there will be at least a subsidence at the southern end of the barracks.

(20) But, sir, she's foreman of construction. We are not going to have arguments with these people.

(21) We're getting out through the sewers. I have to check if they're clear.

(22) That it's not some vague thing with you like it is with others. You want to stay where you are.

(23) You have to understand. Goeth is under enormous pressure. You have to think of it in his situation.

(24) There'd just be the good aspects of him, which... He's a wonderful crook.

(25) They fear us because we have the power to kill arbitrarily.

(26) Though I doubt anyone can point out the actual provision to me. I kissed a Jewish girl.

(27) This is as real as typhus. I see this all the time. It's a matter of money? Hmm?

(28) These are the evacuation orders. I'm to help organize the shipments, put myself on the last train.

(29) You're not telling me something. It's good for you. I'll compensate you. That's right. It's good for the army. Yeah, of course.

(30) You know what I'm going to make? What? Artillery shells. Everyone's making artillery shells. Tank shells, they need that. Tanks shells, ja.

(31) Everybody's happy. Everyone's happy, except me. You're probably scamming me somehow.

(32) Ja, all right, don't tell me. I'll go along with it. It's just irritating I can't work it out.

(33) Oskar, there's a clerical error here at the bottom of the last page.

(34) The train came in through the archway and the officer in charge of the selection went immediately to work

(35) They're skilled munitions workers! They're essential! Essential girls!

(36) That's how it works. So, there will be no summary executions here.

(37) This is my wife, Stern. I don't keep any secrets from my spouse. Oskar, please, attend to business. It's much more attractive.

(38) This isn't pots and pans. This is a precise business. I'll write them a letter. They're withholding payment. Sure, so would I, so would you.

(39) What's the matter with you? You should be preparing for the Sabbath. Shouldn't you?

(40) After six long years of murder, victims are being mourned throughout the world.

(41) I'm a munitions manufacturer. I'm a profiteer of slave labor. I am a criminal.

(42) It is Hebrew, from the Talmud. It says, Whoever saves one life, saves the world entire.


6. 학습용 mp3 리스트 (다운로드 가능)




003_enamelware_법랑 그릇.법랑 철기.mp3

004_panache_깃털 장식.당당한 태도.허세.mp3

005_interfering_간섭하는.참견하기 좋아하는.mp3


007_hydroelectric_수력전기의.수력 발전의.mp3

008_unparalleled_전대미문의.비할데 없는.견줄 나위 없는.mp3


010_courteous_예의 바른.정중한.친절한.mp3

011_charade_제스처 게임.말을 알아맞히는 놀이.위장.mp3


013_comforting_위로가 되는.달래는.기운을 북돋우는.mp3



016_disrupt_방해하다.피해를 주다.혼란에 빠뜨리다.중단시키다.붕괴시키다.mp3


018_synagogue_유대교의 예배당.유대교도의 집회.시나고그.mp3


020_foreman_현장 주임.감독.십장.mp3

021_sewer_하수구.…에 하수 설비를 하다.급사장.mp3




025_arbitrarily_임의대로.임의로.자유 재량에 의하여.mp3






031_scam_신용 사기.사기치다.사기.mp3

032_irritating_짜증나는.자극하는.귀찮은.화나게 하는.mp3

033_clerical error_오기.mp3

034_archway_아치길.도로 위의 아치.건물 내부의 아치.mp3

035_munition_군수품.군수품을 공급하다.군용품.mp3

036_summary execution_즉결 처형.mp3


038_withholding_원천 징수세.원천 과세.mp3

039_sabbath_안식일.휴식 시간.안식.mp3

040_mourn_애도하다.장례의.슬퍼하다.추모하다.조의를 표하다.mp3

041_profiteer_부당 이득자.폭리를 취하다.모리배.mp3



7. 네이버 영화 링크


쉰들러 리스트

감독 스티븐 스필버그


출연 리암 니슨, 벤 킹슬리, 랄프 파인즈, 캐롤라인 구덜, 조나단 사갈, 엠베스 데이비츠


개봉 1993 미국


사진 및 파일 첨부

여기에 파일을 끌어 놓거나 왼쪽의 버튼을 클릭하세요.

파일 용량 제한 : 0MB (허용 확장자 : *.*)

0개 첨부 됨 ( / )

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