IMDB Top 200 영화 (영화로 영어를 배웁니다)

1. 영어공부 적합성

- 어휘 난이도 : 중상(약간 어려움)

- 속도 빠르기 : 중상 

- 발음 선명도 : 중  

- 영어 공부용으로는 보통 이하임 (잔인한 장면 없음, 욕설 아주 약간 있음, 노출 없음)


2. 영화 감상평 


이미지 43.png


왼쪽이 연극 대본이고, 오른쪽이 DVD이다)


1968년 설국(Snow country)이란 작품으로 유명한 가와바타 야스나리, 1969년 고도를 기다리면(Waiting For Godot)의 작가 사무엘 테케드, 1970년 이반 데니소비치의 하루(One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich)를 쓴 작가 알렉산스르 솔제니친 노벨문학상을 받았다. 위 3개의 대표작 모두 인간의 본질에 대한 섬세한 표현과 담담함을 담고 있다. '설국'이나 '이반 데니소비치의 하루'는 소설이지만, '고도를 기다리며' 는 희곡이다. DVD로 발매된 고도를 기다리면(Waiting For Godot)는 연극을 단순히 촬영한 것인지, 아니면 영화용으로 제작한 새로운 것인지 구분이 안 된다. 등장인물은 단 5명, 상영시간은 2시간, 연극 특성상 상황 전개는 대부분 말을 통해서 이루어진다.


2막으로 이루어졌으며, 내용은 정말 단순하다. 떠돌이 2명은 친구다. 한명은 '디디'이고, 다른 한명은 '고고'이다. 이 두명이 누군지도 모르는 사람 '고도(Godot)'를 기다린다. 같은 장소에서 매일 같은 사람을 만난다. 그리고 또 내일 온다는 '고도'를 기다린다. 이런 내용이다.


이제 우리는 이 희곡으로 영어 공부를 해보자.


이 연극의 전체 상영시간은 약 2시간(120분)이다. 하지만 116개 단어가 들어있는 문장으로 구성된 mp3파일 재생 시간은 단 10분이다. 위 드라마를 100번을 보고, 듣는데 걸리는 시간이 200시간(8일 상당) 이라면, 아래 mp3는 100번을 듣는 공부를 한다고 하더라도 17시간이 안 된다. 또 출퇴근 시간을 이용해서 들을 수 있기 때문에 자투리 시간에도 공부를 할 수 있다. 한 드라마나 연극으로 100번씩 하는 건 비효율을 떠나서 지루하기 짝이 없다. 지쳐서 중간에 포기하기 십상이다.


영어자막 또는 한글자막으로 한두번 미리 시청해보고, 또 아래 단어와 문장을 mp3파일로 공부를 한 후에 비교를 해 본다. 확연한 차이를 알 수 있다. 이는 우리가 알지 못하고 듣는 영어문장은 몇 번을 반복해 들어도 알아듣지 못하지만, 알고 있는 문장은 너무 쉽게 귀에 들리기 때문이다.


다시 한번 더 강조하지만 단어만 외우는 일은 무의미하다. 단어만 암기하게 되면 실제 상황에서는 사용할 수 없다. 문장 속에 있는 단어를 이해해야 한다. 또 문장을 한글로 해석한 후에 이해할 필요도 없다. 전체 문맥 속에서 이해해야 하기 때문에 한두번 미리 보고 나서 공부를 시작해야 한다.


고도를 기다리면(Waiting For Godot)의 아무 곳에서부터 보기 시작해도 내용이 다 비슷 비슷하다는 특징이 있다. 또 몇 번을 보아도 지루하지 않다. 이런 원인 중 하나는 연극의 내용이 훌륭해서라기 보다는 내가 영어를 잘 못 알아들어서 볼 때마다 항상 새로웠기 때문이다.


고도를 기다리면(Waiting For Godot)는 여러 가지 측면에서 매우 어렵다. 대화도 무척 빨라서 알아듣기(Listening) 어렵다. 뿐만 아니라 사용하는 어휘(Vocabulary)도 무척 어렵다. 문장도 다소 철학적이다. 단순히 영어 어휘와 듣기 공부를 위해서가 아니라 교양을 위해서도 볼 수 있는 작품이기 때문에 천천히 공부해 나가면 된다. 이번을 계기로 고도를 기다리면(Waiting For Godot)을 제대로 이해하는 계기로 삼는다면 굳이 어려운 듣기에 꼭 집착할 필요는 없다.


꼭 문장을 알아 들을 수 있도록 글로 쓰여진 문장을 보고 나서 듣는 훈련을 해야 한다. 무장적 많이 듣는 건 효율적인 영어 학습법이 아니기 때문이다.



3. 영화에서 배울만한 영어 어휘 


어려운 단어들이 많이 있습니다.  새로운 단어를 암기하려고 하기 보다는 문장내에서 어떻게 사용되는지에 주목해서 들어보세요. 


4. 반복학습 영상 (영화를 보신 후에 영어 듣기 및 어휘 공부용으로 사용하세요) 



6. 학습용 mp3 리스트 (다운로드 가능)


6. 학습용 스크립트 


(1) Gogo! What? Suppose we repented. Repented what? OhO We wouldn't have to go into the details.

(2) Dreadful privation. Merely smile. It's not the same thing.

(3) Do you see any others? What is it? I don't know. A willow. Where are the leaves?

(4) Looks to me more like a bush. A shrub.  A bush. What are you insinuating? That we've come to the wrong place? He should be here.

(5) Looks to me more like a bush. A shrub.  A bush. What are you insinuating? That we've come to the wrong place? He should be here.

(6) Looks to me more like a bush. A shrub.  A bush. What are you insinuating? That we've come to the wrong place? He should be here.

(7) When you think of the beauty of the way. And the goodness of the wayfarers. Wouldn't it, Didi? Calm yourself.

(8) You know the story of the Englishman in the brothel? Yes.  Tell it to me.

(9) The bawd asks him if he wants a fair one, a dark one or a red-haired one. Go on. STOP IT!

(10) You stink of garlic! It's for the kidneys.

(11) You stink of garlic! It's for the kidneys.

(12) That's why they shriek when you pull them up. Did you not know that? Let's hang ourselves immediately!

(13) From a bough? I wouldn't trust it. We can always try.

(14) Your Worship wishes to assert his prerogatives? We've no rights any more?

(15) You gave me A fright. I thought It was he. Who? Godot. The wind in the reeds. I could have sworn I heard shouts.

(16) You gave me A fright. I thought It was he. Who? Godot. The wind in the reeds. I could have sworn I heard shouts.

(17) Where? Perhaps, we slept tonight his loft all snug and dry. Your belly is for in the high, thatis what waiting for. No?

(18) It's a turnip! Oh pardon! I could have sworn it was a carrot.

(19) With me it's just the opposite. In other words? I get used to the muck as I go along. Is That the opposite?  Question of temperament.

(20) With me it's just the opposite. In other words? I get used to the muck as I go along. Is That the opposite?  Question of temperament.

(21) No use wriggling. The essential doesn't change.

(22) That's to say... you understand... the dusk... the strain... waiting...

(23) That's to say... you understand... the dusk... the strain... waiting...

(24) The fresh air stimulates the jaded appetite. Basket!

(25) What ails him? He looks tired. Why doesn't he put down his bags?

(26) A running sore!  It's the rope. It's the rubbing.  It's inevitable. It's the knot.  It's the chafing.

(27) A running sore!  It's the rope. It's the rubbing.  It's inevitable. It's the knot.  It's the chafing.

(28) He's not bad looking. Would you say so? A trifle effeminate. Look at the slobber.  It's inevitable.

(29) He's panting.  It's inevitable. And his eyes!  what about them? Goggling out of his head. Looks like his last gasp to me.

(30) He's panting.  It's inevitable. And his eyes!  what about them? Goggling out of his head. Looks like his last gasp to me.

(31) Are you alluding to anything in particular? To treat a manO  like that I think thatO no

(32) Eleven. I am impertinent. I must be getting on.

(33) makes my heart go pit-a-pat. It's the nicotine, one absorbs it in spite of one's precautions.

(34) now without affectation,.. that I have risen?

(35) without appearing to falter. I beg your pardon?

(36) That's it. You are sure you agree with that? He's puffing like a grampus. The answer is this.

(37) That's it. You are sure you agree with that? He's puffing like a grampus. The answer is this.

(38) He wants to mollify me, so that I'll give up the idea of parting with him.

(39) In reality he carries like a pig. It's not his job. You want to get rid of him? He imagines that when I see him indefatigable I'll regret my decision.

(40) Oh the swine! Hanky! He's crippled me! Show me.

(41) Oh the swine! Hanky! He's crippled me! Show me.

(42) Swine! After having sucked all the good out of him you chuck him away like a... like a banana skin.

(43) He's going mad.  It's terrible. How dare you! It's abominable! Such a good master! Crucify him like that!

(44) He's going mad.  It's terrible. How dare you! It's abominable! Such a good master! Crucify him like that!

(45) What can I have done with that briar? He's a scream. He's lost his dudeen.

(46) What can I have done with that briar? He's a scream. He's lost his dudeen.

(47) He subsides. Indeed all subsides. A great calm descends.

(48) He subsides. Indeed all subsides. A great calm descends.

(49) Come come, take a seat I beseech you, you'll get pneumonia. You really think so?

(50) Come come, take a seat I beseech you, you'll get pneumonia. You really think so?

(51) Except the firmament.

(52) ...ten o'clock in the morning tirelessly torrents of red and white light it begins to lose its effulgence,..

(53) One can bide one's time. One knows what to expect. No further need to worry. Simply wait.

(54) Oh perhaps just a teeny weeny little bit. I thought it was intentional.

(55) You see my memory is defective.

(56) You find it tedious? Somewhat. And you, Sir? I've been better entertained. Gentlemen,..

(57) He thinks he's entangled in a net.

(58) Tell him to go and fetch it. It's better to give it to him. I'll give it to him.

(59) for reasons unknown but time will tell are plunged in torment plunged in fire whose fire flames if that continues and who can doubt it will fire

(60) It's the heart.  Damnation! Silence! Perhaps it has stopped.

(61) And your half-hunter? I must have left it at the manor. On the stain way.

(62) What are you doing? Pale for weariness. Eh?

(63) There's no good harking back on that. Come on. Wait! I'm cold!

(64) A dog came in... A dog came in the kitchen And stole a crust of bread.

(65) Then cook up with a ladle And beat him till he was dead.

(66) You see, you piss better when I'm not there. I missed you... and at the same time I was happy.

(67) Everything oozes. Look at the tree. It's never the same pus from one second to the next. The tree, look at the tree.

(68) Everything oozes. Look at the tree. It's never the same pus from one second to the next. The tree, look at the tree.

(69) Pozzo and Lucky? He's forgotten everything! I remember a lunatic who kicked the shins off me. Then he played the fool. That was Lucky.

(70) Pozzo and Lucky? He's forgotten everything! I remember a lunatic who kicked the shins off me. Then he played the fool. That was Lucky.

(71) All my lousy life I've crawled about in the mud! And you talk to me about scenery! Look at this muckheap! I've never stirred from it!

(72) All my lousy life I've crawled about in the mud! And you talk to me about scenery! Look at this muckheap! I've never stirred from it!

(73) No I was never in the Macon country! I've puked my puke of a life away here, I tell you! Here! In the Cackon country!

(74) ...since we are incapable of keeping silent. You're right, we're inexhaustible. It's so we won't think.

(75) They rustle. They murmur. They rustle.

(76) They make a noise like feathers. Like leaves. Likes ashes. Like leaves.

(77) Where are all these corpses from? These skeletons. Tell me that.  TRUE We must have thought a little.

(78) At the very beginning. A charnel-house! A charnel-house! You don't have to look.

(79) That wasn't such a bad little canter. Yes, but now we'll have to find something else.

(80) And where were we yesterday evening according to you? How would I know? In another compartment. There's no lack of void. Good.

(81) There's the wound! Beginning to fester! And what about it? Where are your boots?

(82) Would you like a radish? Is that all there is? There are radishes and turnips.

(83) Yes yes, we're magicians. But let us persevere in what we have resolved, before we forget.

(84) Will you stop whining! I've had about my bellyful of your lamentations! I'm going. Well!

(85) Then I can keep it. Mine irked me. How shall I say? It itched me.

(86) Our relaxations.  Our elongations. Our relaxations.  to warm us up. To calm us down. Off we go.

(87) Is it Godot? At last! Reinforcements at last! Help! Is it Godot?

(88) You mean we have him at our mercy? Yes. And that we should subordinate our good offices to certain conditions? What?

(89) That Lucky might get going all of a sudden. Then we'd be ballocksed. Lucky? The one that went for you yesterday.

(90) For the moment he is inert. But he might run amuck any minute. Help!

(91) For the moment he is inert. But he might run amuck any minute. Help!

(92) And suppose heo Let us not waste our time in idle discourse!

(93) Let us make the most of it, before it is too late! Let us represent worthily for once the foul brood to which a cruel fate consigned us!

(94) The tiger bounds to the help of his congeners without the least reflection,..

(95) ...or else he slinks away into the depths of the thickets. But that is not the question.

(96) ...or else he slinks away into the depths of the thickets. But that is not the question.

(97) Yes, in this immense confusion one thing alone is clear. We are waiting for Godot to comeo Ah! Yes.

(98) How many people can boast as much? Billions. You think so?  I don't know.

(99) All I know is that the hours are long, under these conditions,.. ...and constrain us to beguile them with proceedings which nhow shall I sayn

(100) All I know is that the hours are long, under these conditions,.. ...and constrain us to beguile them with proceedings which nhow shall I sayn

(101) But has it not long been straying in the night without... end of the abyssal depths?

(102) Good. A diversion comes along and what do we do? We let it go to waste.

(103) Who farted? Pozzo. Here! Here! Pity! It's revolting! Quick! Give me your hand!  I'm going.

(104) It's this bastard Pozzo at it again. Make him stop it. Kick him in the crotch. Will you stop it! Crablouse!

(105) Perhaps I could crawl to him. Ow Yeah! Call to him. Pozzo!

(106) Got it in one! I begin to weary of this motif. Perhaps the other is called Cain.

(107) Where is my menial? He's about somewhere. Why doesn't he answer when I call?

(108) Make sure he's alive before you start. No point in exerting yourself if he's dead. He's breathing.

(109) Dumb! Dumb. He can't even groan. Dumb! Since when?

(110) They give birth astride of a grave,.. ...the light gleams an instant,..

(111) They give birth astride of a grave,.. ...the light gleams an instant,..

(112) Down in the hole, lingeringly, the grave digger puts on the forceps. We have time to grow old.

(113) Down in the hole, lingeringly, the grave digger puts on the forceps. We have time to grow old.

(114) But habit is a great deadener.


mp3 리스트







006_insinuating_넌지시 일으키는.환심을 사기 위한.알랑거리는.mp3

007_wayfarer_도보 여행자.일시적 투숙객.나그네.mp3


009_bawd_유곽의 안주인.매춘부.뚜쟁이.mp3

010_kidney_신장.콩팥.신장 기능을 가진 무척추동물의 기관.mp3

011_stink_악취.악취를 풍기다.고약한 냄새.mp3

012_shriek_비명.시끄러운 울음소리.mp3

013_bough_큰 가지.가지.주지.mp3


015_fright_놀람.두려움.섬뜩하게 하는 사람.mp3


017_loft_높이 쳐올리다.위층.저주파 전파 망원경.mp3

018_turnip_순무.무.유행에 뒤떨어진 대형 회중 시계.mp3

019_muck_…에 거름을 주다.거름.퇴비.mp3





024_jaded_지친.감퇴한.몹시 물린.mp3

025_ails_괴롭히다.고통을 주다.…의 폐해가 되다.mp3


027_chafing_비벼서 따뜻하게 하다.안달.쓸다.mp3

028_effeminate_여자 같은.나약한.나약하게 하다.mp3

029_goggling_고글.큰 안경.눈을 휘둥그렇게 뜨고 보다.mp3

030_gasp_숨이 차다.헐떡거리다.mp3

031_alluding_암시하다.언급하다.넌지시 말하다.mp3




035_falter_비틀거리다.말을 더듬다.중얼거리다.mp3

036_grampus_솔잎 돌고래.숨결이 거친 사람.범고래.mp3

037_puffing_훅 불기.몹시 칭찬하기.mp3


039_indefatigable_지칠 줄 모르는.끈기 있는.불요불굴의.mp3

040_crippled_불구의.지체가 부자유한.다리를 저는.mp3

041_swine_돼지.멧돼지.야비한 사람.mp3





046_dudeen_남은 도자기제 파이프.mp3






052_effulgence_광채.눈부 심.광휘.mp3

053_bide_…을 기다리다.살다.…에 견디다.mp3

054_teeny weeny_조그마한.mp3






060_damnation_지옥에 떨어뜨림.천벌.제기랄.mp3

061_manor_영지.영주의 저택.본채.mp3


063_harking back_거슬러 올라가다.회상하다.비슷하다.mp3

064_crust_지각.표면.껍질.딱딱한 표면.mp3

065_ladle_국자.…을 푸다.주걱.mp3

066_piss_오줌.오줌 누다.제기랄.mp3

067_ooze_새다.스며 나오다.분비.mp3


069_lunatic_정신 이상자.괴짜.미친.mp3


071_lousy_형편없는.불결한.몸이 안 좋은.mp3

072_muckheap_퇴비 더미.mp3

073_puke_토한 것.구토.구토하다.mp3

074_inexhaustible_무진장의.끈기 있는.지칠 줄 모르는.mp3

075_rustle_부대끼는 소리.mp3


077_corpse_시체.송장.효력을 잃은 것.mp3

078_charnel-house_납골당.시체 안치소.mp3

079_canter_캔터.느린 구보로 달리게 하다.캔터로 달리다.mp3


081_fester_곪다.악화되다.곪게 하다.mp3

082_radish_무.그 식용 뿌리.빨간 무.mp3

083_persevere_인내하다.이겨내다.노력하다.꾸준히 계속하다.mp3

084_lamentation_애가.비탄.비탄의 소리.mp3

085_irk_…을 안달나게 하다.괴롭히다.안절부절못하게 하다.mp3



088_subordinate_부하의.하위의.종속시키다.산하.중요치 않은.mp3

089_ballocks_불알.실없는 소리.흥!.mp3

090_amuck_go amuck(잘되지 않다).mp3

091_inert_움직일 수 없는.자력으로 행동할 수 없는.불활성의.mp3


093_foul brood_부저병.mp3

094_congener_같은 종류의 것.같은 사람.착향료.mp3

095_slink_조산하다.달을 채우지 않고 태어난.여윈.mp3



098_boast_자랑하다.가지고 있다.뽐내다.호언장담하다.내세우다.mp3


100_constrain_…을 억제하다.감금하다.억지로 집어넣다.mp3

101_stray_길을 잃다.떠돌이.벗어나다.mp3

102_diversion_전환.유용.딴 데로 돌림.mp3

103_revolting_혐오감을 가지게 하는.역하게 만드는.반란하는.mp3

104_crotch_가랑이.아귀.Y자형 장대.mp3

105_crawl_기다.기어가다.오싹해지다.느릿느릿 달리다.mp3



108_exert_행사하다.영향을 미치다.압력을 가하다.노력하다.mp3


110_astride_…에 걸터앉아.…가운데서 우세하여.두 다리를 벌려.mp3

111_gleam_희미하게 빛나다.비치다.mp3


113_lingeringly_in a slow, leisurely or prolonged way.mp3

114_deadener_속도 늦춤용 통나무.mp3



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