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하나 애드인 - 카카오톡 PC 메시지 발송

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하나 애드인 - 같은 데이터 구분선

미국드라마 영어 (아주 어려운 영어 듣기)

주요 직업 : 투우사(bullfighte)


이미지 33.png


이번 편 재미있습니다. 소재도 특이하고요. 투우사(matador)에 관한 내용입니다.일반용어로 마타도어란 정치권에서 흑색선전같은 무자비한 비난을 의미하지만 본래 뜻은 투우사를 의미한 것이었나 봅니다. 스페인어 많이 나오고 내용도 재미있습니다. 황소가 근시인 모양입닏다. 근시를 near-sighted라고 하네요.







 (mp3 다운로드) S05E04.1976.A.Matter.Of.Honor.zip



1. No, I'll be using the hardtop. Have Carlos get it ready.

01_hardtop_하드톱.옥내 영화관.고집쟁이.mp3


2. I saw some cows roaming outside the south pasture. There must be a fence down.

02_pasture_목초지.방목하다.새로운 활동.mp3


3. At one time, I was paid handsomely to fight bulls. Now I pay handsomely to raise them. An expensive hobby, my friend.



4. and then Curro Rangel, with muleta and sword, jumped in. That was Thursday, right?

04_muleta_막대에 매단 붉은 천.물레타.mp3


5. I am Jaime Delgado, the foreman. What can I do for you? I was wondering. Could you answer a question for me?

05_foreman_현장 주임.감독.십장.mp3


6. the wound inside his thigh must have been the fatal one. It severed the femoral artery.



7. the wound inside his thigh must have been the fatal one. It severed the femoral artery.



8. the wound inside his thigh must have been the fatal one. It severed the femoral artery.



9. those leave no tears or... crease marks on the muleta, as you can see.

09_crease_접은 자국.…을 주름지게 하다.접은 자국이 생기다.mp3


10. Perhaps he knew he was gonna die and he wanted to bring it to an end before... Well, you know, in some kind a machismo way.

10_machismo_남자다움.남자의 기백.남성다움의 과시.mp3


11. I didn't believe it. Well, what happens is that... you don't understand the temperament of a matador.



12. Is Montoya a vain man? Oh, yes.

12_vain_보람없는.헛된.허영심이 강한.mp3


13. I don't wanna be presumptuous. I realize I have no position here. No, I understand.



14. But the patron was kind enough to give me a bottle of mescal.

14_mescal_메스칼.메스칼 주.용설란.mp3


15. That is not from a pick, sehor. That is from a lance. Well, what's the difference?

15_lance_.창기병.…을 창으로 찌르다.mp3


16. Lieutenant Columbo, a lance on a bull ranch is the same as... as a rope on a cattle ranch.



17. so he can herd and round up the bulls when he has to. And I assume Hector would have a lance.



18. mano a mano with a young matador who froze, and the bull gored him.

18_gore_고어.…을 뿔로 받다.…에 삼각천을 대다.mp3


19. They tried to take me to the infirmary, along with the young matador, but I refused to go.



20. They stood up and gave me an electrifying ovation. Two ears and a tail.



21. They stood up and gave me an electrifying ovation. Two ears and a tail.

21_ovation_열렬한 환영.큰 갈채.갈채.mp3


22. Gluteo, that's a puncture in the buttocks. Well, did the bull get him there, too?



23. Gluteo, that's a puncture in the buttocks. Well, did the bull get him there, too?

23_puncture_펑크.찌르기.구멍을 뚫기.mp3


24. Probably from a previous inoculation.



25. Yeah. However, old Miguel, he could be so bombed on that mascara...

25_bombed_취한.마약에 취해 몽롱한.폭탄의 피해를 입은.mp3


26. Did you know that these bulls are very near-sighted? Yes, I know that.

26_near-sighted_근시의.근시안적인.선견지명이 없는.mp3


27. But we are interested in whether or not you keep any drugs here on the ranch, especially tranquilizers.

27_tranquilizers_신경 안정제를 상용하고 있다.mp3


28. I'll tell you, I don't know much about drugs, but that's the stuff they put in a Mickey Finn.

28_mickey finn_최면제를 탄 술.미키 핀.mp3


29. And yet, I am told you found nothing! That's true. There were no discernible traces. And yet you persist?

29_discernible_인식할 수 있는.보고 알 수 있는.알아볼 수 있는.mp3


30. Well, actually, sir, we didn't expect to find any chloral hydrate.

30_chloral hydrate_클로랄.클로랄 수화물.포수 클로랄.mp3


31. Well, I've been doing a little checking, just the rudiments of bullfighting... and the fact is, a bull reacts to movement.



32. So, he was only given a little bit. Enough to make him woozy, an easy, moving target.

32_woozy_머리가 흐리멍덩한.혼란된.몸의 상태가 나쁜.mp3


33. This is slander, Columbo.








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  9. 24 시즌1 에피1 24, 2001 (영어 듣기용 mp3 파일 포함) - 작성 중

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  13. 베터 콜 사울 시즌 1 에피 2 (Better Call Saul) (영어 듣기용 mp3 파일 포함)

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  15. 베터 콜 사울 시즌 1 에피 1 (Better Call Saul) (영어 듣기용 mp3 파일 포함)

  16. 형사 콜롬보 S05E06.1976.Last.Salute.To.The.Commodore (mp3 다운로드)

  17. 형사 콜롬보 S05E05.1976.Now.You.See.Him (mp3 다운로드)

  18. 형사 콜롬보 S05E04.1976.A.Matter.Of.Honor (mp3 다운로드)

  19. 형사 콜롬보 S05E01.1975.Forgotten.Lady (mp3 다운로드)

  20. 형사 콜롬보 S04E06.1975.A.Deadly.State.of.Mind (mp3 다운로드)

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