IMDB Top 200 영화 (영화로 영어를 배웁니다)

1. 영어공부 적합성


- 어휘 난이도 : 상 

- 속도 빠르기 : 상  

- 발음 선명도 : 중  

- 영어 공부용으로는 별로임 (잔인하고 징그러운 장면 있음, 욕설 약간, 노출 약간 있음) 


2. 영화 감상평 



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완전한 오락영화입니다. 시간 때우기 용(killing time) 영화로 손색없습니다. 그래도 죽은 사람을 살리는 기술은 너무 앞서 나간듯합니다.


이미지 88.png



3. 영화에서 배울만한 영어 어휘


영어 공부 대상으로 이 영화는 별로입니다. 말도 빠르고, 단어도 어렵습니다. 하지만, 영국식 영어와 미국식 영어가 섞여 있기에, 색다른 느낌을 받을 수 있습니다.


스크립트 24번 once and for all은 자주 나오는 용어입니다. 익혀 두시면 쓸모 많아요.


새로운 단어를 암기하려고 하기보다는 문장 내에서 어떻게 사용되는지에 주목해서 들어보세요.


4. 반복학습 영상 (영화를 보신 후에 영어 듣기 및 어휘 공부용으로 사용하세요)




5. 학습용 스크립트


(1) You look like a gentleman, I look like a pleb. If I was you, I'd unlock your cab.

(2) Merlin, I'm sorry, we're gonna have to do the debrief tomorrow. I've got to get to a dinner tonight... and if I miss it, let's just say Charlie might as well have killed me.

(3) Yeah, but that's 'cause you were a lightweight, Jamal. No, no, babe, I'm good. Not for me, thank you.

(4) The thing you need to understand is the hard work and ingenuity... it took to achieve a global monopoly... on the drug trade.

(5) So, fellas... I have a couple of things that I wanna clarify.

(6) That's all I'm gonna tell you, cause that's all you need to know. So put him in the mincer, okay?

(7) It's the only one you need to remember, the rest of the cutlery is easy. You start from the outside, and you work your way in with each course.

(8) A habit erroneously believed to be upper class dining etiquette. It is quite the opposite.

(9) Harry would've been chuffed. Oh. I wish I could've met him.

(10) Now... as all surviving agents are present, we follow the doomsday protocol.

(11) Nothing. Only tried to help him. He's got retrograde amnesia. Now, we knew from his eyeglasses that he was intelligence.

(12) Until you get rid of the perimeter landmines... I'll keep wearing the suit, thank you very much.

(13) Okay, as fabulous as your catalogue is... I think I want to hear some Gershwin.

(14) I know! But with Valentine abducting those celebrities... it seemed silly not to take advantage of the confusion.

(15) We need to recreate a shock or trauma from his past... to trigger his memory. I hope you're right.

(16) Thought everything was supposed to be bigger in America. Is this why you overcompensate with these massive cars? Goes on your finger.

(17) The surveillance tracker is in the tip. Apply light pressure for three seconds to release it.

(18) The hand is not a mucous membrane, Eggsy. Neither is the back.

(19) Oh, God. Who did you think I was? Please don't say someone ghastly. God damn it, now I feel like a fool.

(20) When you and I first met, I was just, like, a maggot. Maggots turn into flies.

(21) Larva, yeah, okay. Whatever. The point is... everyone wanted to squash me. But not you.

(22) You helped me to become a caterpillar. And now I've got wings.

(23) You will experience episodes... lapses of clarity. You'll be back to normal soon.

(24) First, you agree to end the war on drugs, once and for all.

(25) And second, my colleagues and I receive full legal immunity.

(26) You have any reconnaissance drones down in Asia? Sure do. Sending them in right now.

(27) Listen, we're on the verge of finding an antidote. It's gonna be all right. Now, look left for me.

(28) So don't dilly-dally signin' that document cause time is running out.

(29) Perhaps not. Call me old-fashioned... I don't consider genocide especially ladylike.


6. 학습용 mp3 리스트 (다운로드 가능)



002_debrief_보고를 듣다.이임 후도 비밀 정보를 공포하지 않도록 통고하다.mp3

003_lightweight_경량의.가벼운.라이트급 선수.mp3

004_ingenuity_발명의 재간.창의력.교묘한 고안.mp3


006_mincer_고기 다지는 기계.잘게 다지는 사람.잘게 써는 기계.mp3


008_erroneously_잘못되게.틀리게.정도에서 벗어나게.mp3


010_doomsday_최후의 심판일.종말.운명.둠스데이 .멸망.mp3

011_retrograde amnesia_선행성 건망증.mp3





016_overcompensate_과잉 보상을 하다.지나치게 보상하다.지나치게 수정하다.mp3


018_mucous membrane_점막.mp3



021_squash_스쿼시.호박.짓누르다.찌그러지다.밀어 넣다.mp3


023_lapse_시간이 경과하다.실패.…상태로 빠지다.잘못.mp3

024_once and for all_끝으로 한번만 더.최종적으로.딱 잘라서.mp3



027_on the verge of_바야흐로 …하려고 하여.…의 직전에.…하기 직전에.mp3

028_dilly-dally_postpone doing what one should be doing.mp3

029_genocide_대량 학살.집단 학살.몰살.mp3


7. 네이버 영화 링크


킹스맨: 골든 서클

감독 매튜 본


출연 태런 에저튼, 줄리안 무어, 콜린 퍼스


개봉 2017 영국, 미국


사진 및 파일 첨부

여기에 파일을 끌어 놓거나 왼쪽의 버튼을 클릭하세요.

파일 용량 제한 : 0MB (허용 확장자 : *.*)

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