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by 지천명영어 posted Jun 28, 2021


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즉, 다음과 같은 PDF를 마우스로 드래그해서, 복사한 후 붙여넣기를 하면 다음과 같은 문장이 잘린 채로 복사됩니다.

이미지 004.png

Looking out the bus window, Jonas could not stay calm. He

had been looking forward to this field trip. It was the first field

trip for his history course. His history professor had recommended

it to the class, and Jonas had signed up enthusiastically. He was

the first to board the bus in the morning. The landscape looked

fascinating as the bus headed to Alsace. Finally arriving in

Alsace after three hours on the road, however, Jonas saw

nothing but endless agricultural fields. The fields were vast,

but hardly appealed to him. He had expected to see some old

castles and historical monuments, but now he saw nothing like

that awaiting him. “What can I learn from these boring fields?”

Jonas said to himself with a sigh.

(PDF를 단순 복사, 붙여넣기한 결과)


우리가 필요한 정상적인 문장으로 만들기 위해서는, 일일이 눈으로 보면서 한 줄 한 줄 변경해 주어야 정상적인 문장이 됩니다.

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사용법은 아주 간단합니다.


이미지 2.png


"내용초기화" 버튼을 누르면, 기존에 사용했던 영어문장을 클린 상태로 만들어 줍니다.

그리고, 아까 PDF에서 복사했던 내용을 "PDF영어문장" 열(칼럼)에 붙여 넣고, "정상영어문장" 버튼을 누르면 끝입니다.

복사해서 입력한 오른쪽 열(칼럼)에 정상적인 영어문장을 만들어 줍니다.

Looking out the bus window, Jonas could not stay calm.

He had been looking forward to this field trip.

It was the first field trip for his history course.

His history professor had recommended it to the class, and Jonas had signed up enthusiastically.

He was the first to board the bus in the morning.

The landscape looked fascinating as the bus headed to Alsace.

Finally arriving in Alsace after three hours on the road, however, Jonas saw nothing but endless agricultural fields.

The fields were vast, but hardly appealed to him.

He had expected to see some old castles and historical monuments, but now he saw nothing like that awaiting him.

“What can I learn from these boring fields?” Jonas said to himself with a sigh.

(프로그램으로 재 구성한 정상적인 영어문장)​


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프로그램 다운로드 : PDF영어문장합치기(지천명영어).xlsm


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