
형사 콜롬보 S05E06.1976.Last.Salute.To.The.Commodore (mp3 다운로드)

by 지천명영어 posted Jun 01, 2021


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크게 작게 위로 아래로 댓글로 가기 인쇄

주요 직업 : 선박제조회사사장( the ship building business owner)



이미지 35.png


이번 편은 살인 과정를 정확히 보여주지 않고 시작합니다. 그 이야기는 범인이 바뀔 수 있다는 것. 보시면서 누가 범인인지, 남겨진 단어가 무슨 뜻인지 생각해 보세요.

배관련 용어가 엄청 등장합니다. 첫번째로 등장하는 yawl은 "소형범선"을 뜻한다네요. 발음도 이상하고 나머지 단어들도 다 어렵고 발음도 이상합니다.







 (mp3 다운로드)


1. Stand-by for the Commodore. - Stand-by. - For the Commodore!

01_commodore_준장.제독.전대 지휘관.mp3


2. Squash those rumors about trouble within the company. Well, it's my company and I don't give a damn!

02_squash_스쿼시.호박.짓누르다.찌그러지다.밀어 넣다.mp3


3. Wayne's here. He brought the self-steering vane you wanted.

03_vane_날개.풍향기.변덕스러운 사람.mp3


4. Now, that's a what? A yawl. - Yawl? - Yeah.

04_yawl_소형 범선.잡용정.슬픈 듯이 길게 외치다.mp3


5. And what makes a yawl? Well, yawl have mainsails.

05_mainsail_메인슬.주돛.큰 돛대의 돛.mp3


6. Erratically.



7. Well, sir, I don't know, but... that portside cleat was pulled loose.



8. Well, sir, I don't know, but... that portside cleat was pulled loose.



9. What does that do? It secures the gib sheet.

09_gib_지브.요자형 쐐기.지브로 결합시키다.mp3


10. Was the mizzen furled when you found it? No, sir, it was all the way up.



11. You took him that quad? Part of a vane. Part of a vane. And he was gonna fix something?

11_quad_사각형 안뜰.4개짜리 물건.4채널인.열량단위.mp3


12. Relax? This foot on this thigh.



13. From port to starboard, starboard to port. Right to left, left to right. And what causes that?



14. This is a stencil and you use that to paint a word. These haven't been painted on.

14_stencil_스텐실.…을 등사하다.형판.mp3


15. Oh, these are belaying pins. Belaying... pins.

15_belaying pin_밧줄걸이.빌레잉핀.mp3


16. See, he was a secretive old fellow. And I've been his lawyer all this time, but he never really confided in me.

16_confide_비밀을 털어놓다.신뢰하다.신용하다.mp3


17. was sick of parasites. So he was gonna sell the boatyards.

17_parasite_기생충.식객.기생 동물.mp3


18. When she was drunk and in a stupor. Who else could have done that?
