주요 직업 : 화장품 회사(cosmetics company)
(분노를 참지 못하고 우발적으로 살인을 저지른 후 범인 모습)
화장품 회사에서 일어나는 신제품 개발과 음모를 다루고 있습니다. 현실감은 좀 떨어지나 실제로 있을법한 이야기입니다. 현대판 연금술(alchemy)을 동원해서 여성들을 위한 만병통치약(elixir)을 만드는 회사입니다.
(mp3 다운로드) S03E01.1973.Lovely.But.Lethal.zip
1. Here's another variation on the caftan theme, this one flowing and soft, in a soft print,
01_caftan_a woman's dress style that imitates the caftan cloaks worn by men in the Near East.mp3
2. Well, since I always like to help a compatriot... if they seem to be in trouble.
02_compatriot_동포.동료.같은 나라의.mp3
3. Mr. Lang, why don't you just go gobble up a pill company? It isn't surprising, of course.
03_gobble_칠면조의 울음소리.…을 급하게 먹다.…을 모조리 먹어치우다.mp3
4. It's like alchemy. It's the dream of the centuries.
5. The fruits of a whole year's labor, my most sublime accomplishment, the dream of all mankind, the dream to save all our skins.
6. You're wobbling. Yes, and I have hastened, my queen, from a final secret testing of this elixir,
7. Apparently they broke a drinking glass. Anyway, Lieutenant, it's all in here. He died from a fractured skull.
07_fractured_골절되어.파열되어.균열이 생겨.mp3
8. For what? They've all been sterilized. There's nothing in them.
08_sterilized_금속 탐지 검사를 받지 않은 사람의 탑승을 금지하는.살균한.단종한.mp3
9. $10 raise. Did you ever hear of anything so insufferably male? Then what did he say?
09_insufferably_견딜 수 없이.mp3
10. A guy down in headquarters, Sgt. Kiester, German guy, his hobby is horticulture. You know, plants?
11. Well, in a bad car accident like that, it's kind of hard to tell. But... one of the doctors, he thought her eyes were sort of dilated.
11_dilated_확대한.옆으로 퍼진.폭이 넓어진.mp3