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하나 애드인 - 카카오톡 PC 메시지 발송

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하나 애드인 - 같은 데이터 구분선

미국드라마 영어 (아주 어려운 영어 듣기)

이미지 11.png


이번회에서는 4가지 이야기를 엮어서 한 에피소드를 만들었습니다.


누드댄스를 추는 애인, 래리와 같이 살고 있는 흑인과 갈등, 식당에서 잠시 노트북을 지켜봐 달라고 요청하는 사람, 상처받은 여자들이 모여 살고 있는 집 - 이렇게 4가지 이야기를 황당하고 재치있게 묶었다.


얄미운 주인공, 래리가 꼭 밉게 보이지 않는 이유가 이 편에 있습니다.


커브 유어 인쑤지애즘 Curb.Your.Enthusiasm.S08E02



 (mp3 다운로드) Curb.Your.Enthusiasm.S08E02.zip


1. Richard is dating a burlesque dancer. I had dinner with them.  Really?

001_burlesque_희화화하다.풍자적 희극.…을 익살스럽게 연기하다.mp3


2. What would bring you to the brink of suicide? Can I ask him why he wouldn't call me first?



3. Boy, I had a blast.  you know What I think? What?  I think Lewis has lost his mind.

003_blast_폭발.발사하다.공격하다.날리다.홈런을 치다.mp3


4. You're two days older than I am. You're a dissipated alcoholic. How dare you? Recovering alcoholic.  all right, recovering.



5. You're not dissecting a frog in 12th-grade biology. It's okay. I take it as a compliment.  She's not a specimen.



6. By the way, I did notice in the show that there's a small mole



7. Then the "arry David" is sloppy. Any man can do that shit. Your mom's maiden name-- Ratner. You know what I mean?



8. Some people call them battered women. I choose not to use That phrase.  Oh, they're battered.

008_battered_오래 써서 낡은.지쳐서 초라해진.학대받은.mp3


9. I think it's very pejorative. So anyway  Oh, where's the house?

009_pejorative_경멸적인.경멸어.비난하는 의미의.mp3


10. with one of our members and her dog. She's also part of the sorority over there? Well, we don't call it a sorority.

010_sorority_여성만의 클럽.여학생 클럽.여성회.mp3


11. Is that so many of the women have a negative connotation as far as a male perspective goes.  of course, yes.



12. Maybe I could drum up a date over there, huh? Oh, now Larry, let's remember boundaries.

012_drum up_강제로 모으다.수단을 가리지 않고 획득하다.풍악을 울리며 환기시키다.mp3


13. What a bovine she is, huh? Jesus.  Well, okay, so She's like the capo here, huh?

013_bovine_소 같은.솟과의 동물.둔한.mp3


14. What a bovine she is, huh? Jesus.  Well, okay, so She's like the capo here, huh?

014_capo_마피아 지부장.줄받이(capotasto).mp3


15. That darn washing machine. I'll tell you, we We use it so much, as you can imagine, with all of our members.



16. How about the marm here, huh? How about this marm? Okay, well-- That's all right, Larry.

016_marm_… 부인(madam).mp3


17. I might have. I have bad manners. There's a whole side dish here for the remnants. this is the remnant plate.  Hello, boys.



18. What do you mean pain?  ...And that I get these backaches.

018_backache_요통.등의 아픔.mp3


19. You take an advil for that stuff. You throw a couple of stones behind your brassiere.

019_advil_a nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory and analgesic medicine used to relieve the pain of arthritis and as an antipyretic.mp3


20. Oh my God.  like a seesaw. Okay, boys, you obviously don't understand. Imagine you had huge balls.

020_seesaw_시소.위아래로 움직이다.변동하다.mp3


21. People hate balls. Balls are reviled. You can't even mention balls and breasts in the same breath.

021_revile_…을 욕하다.욕설을 퍼붓다.…의 욕을 하다.mp3


22. That is some shiner you got there. Can you tell me how it happened?

022_shiner_눈언저리의 검은 멍.파운드 금화..mp3


23. Yeah, I fell. I'm clumsy. I'm really clumsy. I trip all the time.

023_clumsy_서투른.볼품없는.눈치 없는.mp3


24. Because I'm going to go to the Biltmore downtown. I'm going to have all their favorite frozen margaritas and put flowers there.

024_margarita_마르가리타.진주를 산출.mp3







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