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소  제  목: Blueprint for Murder 

주요 직업: architect(건축가)


이미지 9.png

(차 안에서 동업자를 살해하기 직전)


건축가(시공회사 사장)와 자본가(시행사)의 의견불일치로 구축중인 건물이 중단될 위기에 처하자, 건축가가 시행사 사장을 살인하고 그 시체를 건물 지하에 매장하려고 하는 음모를 꾸민다. 마치 이집트의 피라미드에 시체를 매장하려는 것과 비슷한 방식으로 살인을 덮으려 한다.


이야기 전개 중에 콜롬보가 구축중인 건물에 허가를 받아 발굴을 하는 장면이 나온다. 지능적인 살인범은 그 모습을 보고 콜롬보에게 다음과 같은 말투로 이야기 한다.


"헛된 노력(futility)을 하고 있는 거야, 당신 스스로 자초(self-inflicted)한 일이지"



형사 콜롬보 S01E08 1972 Blueprint for Murder


 (mp3 다운로드) S01E08.1972.Blueprint.for.Murder.zip




1. I seeThen she's virtually incommunicado.

01_incommunicado_독방에 감금된.남과의 연락이 끊겨.독방에 갇혀.mp3


2. When does she get reprieved? Oh, she'll be back in time for the dedication ceremonies.

02_reprieve_형 집행을 유예하다.형 집행의 유예.일시적 경감.mp3


3. Thank you. Sit down, please. Thank you very much. Well, as usual… …I feel like an expectant father. But contrary to the norm, each



4. Mr. Williamson is a globetrotter, sometimes he takes… …off at a moment's notice, doesn't even tell Jennifer.

04_globetrotter_세계 각국을 여행하는 사람.mp3


5. Yeah, but Lover, take my word for it. He has shuffled off this veil of tears. How do you know that?



6. What's all this guff about cars and music and passports? I feel like… …the original voice in the wilderness. Don't you two understand?

06_guff_허풍을 떨다.실없는 이야기.허풍.mp3


7. You mean Mr. Williamson did this? Yes, he just barged right in here the other day and smashed it all to smithereens.

07_smithereens_산산조각.작은 파편.mp3


8. built to withstand the onslaught of thieves.



9. It took him by surprise. Bo's a volatile Texan, and when he gets angry, it shows.



10. Now, every year or so, these energy cells have to be replaced… …or the pacemaker becomes erratic, causing the heart to malfunction.



11. A battered, blood-stained hat by itself means next to nothing.

11_battered_오래 써서 낡은.지쳐서 초라해진.학대받은.mp3


12. Here they are, Lieutenant. I finally found them in the attic. But why you want them I don't know.



13. Sure glad he saved these. Lotta guys usually do. I still think this is an exercise in futility. We don't even know if it's his hat.

13_futility_무익.헛됨.헛된 노력.mp3


14. And the brim is fixed just the way he always wore it. Besides, it was custom-made, so the label will be easy enough to check out.

14_brim_넘치려 하다.가득 붓다.가장자리..mp3


15. Uh Listen, now. I can save yourself the trouble. Ah The omnipresent constable. What are you doing here?

15_constable_경찰관.치안 관계의 공무원.관리 장관.mp3


16. Uh Listen, now. I can save yourself the trouble. Ah The omnipresent constable. What are you doing here?

16_omnipresent_편재하는.어디에나 있는.동시에 어디에나 있는.mp3


17. Very good, Lieutenant. Obviously she took one of… …her husband's old hats, added some blood from a self-inflicted wound

17_self-inflicted_자초한.스스로 자기에게 가한.스스로 초래한.mp3


18. Lieutenant anybody ever tell you… …you're very much like an arachnid? A what?

18_arachnid_거미류의 절지 동물.거미류.거미류의 동물.mp3


19. A tick. They're quite common, but excessively tenacious.



20. They hang on and they let go only under extreme prodding. I never heard of 'em.



21. Why not? You'd never be able to dig it up. Besides how do you know I'm not a victim of my own bravado?

21_bravado_허세.허세를 부리다.허장성세.mp3


22. Now, once you get that, you file your permits, your requisition slips, and if the Mayor's office approves of that, then you're set.



23. Well, you're clutching at straws.



24. Carl. Fill up the excavation and sink another hole. We'll pour the concrete in the morning.



25. Left front. Could've been hairy. Yeah, it couldve been well, there's no real harm done.





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  4. 형사 콜롬보 S02E01.1972.Etude.in.Black (mp3 다운로드)

  5. 형사 콜롬보 S01E08.1972.Blueprint.for.Murder (mp3 다운로드)

  6. 형사 콜롬보 S01E07.1972.Short.Fuse (mp3 다운로드)

  7. 형사 콜롬보 S01E06.1971.Lady.in.Waiting (mp3 다운로드)

  8. 형사 콜롬보 S01E05.1971.Suitable.for.Framing (mp3 다운로드)

  9. 형사 콜롬보 S01E04.1971.Dead.Weight (mp3 다운로드)

  10. 형사 콜롬보 S01E03.1971.Death.Lends.a.Hand (mp3 다운로드)

  11. 형사 콜롬보 S01E02.1971.Murder.by.the.Book (mp3 다운로드)

  12. 형사 콜롬보 S01E01.1971.Ransom.for.a.Dead.Man (mp3 다운로드)

  13. 형사 콜롬보 S01E00.1968.Prescription.Murder (mp3 다운로드)

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