
형사 콜롬보 S01E05.1971.Suitable.for.Framing (mp3 다운로드)

by 지천명영어 posted May 31, 2021


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소  제  목: Suitable for Framing 

주요 직업: art critic(비평가)


이미지 6.png

(삼촌 재산을 노리고 죽이기 직전 시계를 보는 살인자)


유명한 미술품 비평가가 자신의 삼촌을 죽인 후 삼촌의 재산과 그림을 노린다는 내용이다. 어휘도 지금까지 보아온 에피소드와 비교하면 상대적으로 쉽다.



형사 콜롬보 S01E05 1971 Suitable for Framing  (mp3 다운로드)




1. It's just my uncle. And I assure you, he's far more amiable now than he ever was when he was alive.



2. After all, your husband adores cactus. He told me so. I know, but it's the wrong shade of pink for the wallpaper.



3. - How do you do? - Yes, yes. How do you do, sir? Oh, you must be the artist of these, uh, arid little landscapes, aren't you?

03_arid_불모의.건조한.무미 건조한.mp3


4. It's not so much a question of his masculinity. I think the artist just saw him that way.

04_masculinity_남자다움.남자다움을 나타내는 것.남성의 상징.mp3


5. Mr. Matthews was very fussy about smoking. Oh, sorry.



6. - Wait there. I'll holler. - All right.



7. some stupid, little print their maiden aunts left them in their attic. - If I paid attention to every one of 'em... - you mean, that was a woman?



8. I'll use high-speed turpentine. Well, anyway, uh, I'm sorry to bother you here, but you haven't been home much.

08_turpentine_테레빈유.…에 테레빈유를 칠하다.mp3


9. We've uh, skimmed over the preliminaries. We're now down to the salient points.



10. We've uh, skimmed over the preliminaries. We're now down to the salient points.

10_skim_대충 읽어보다.걷어내다.mp3


11. For their devoted service to me for the past 10 years, I bequeath to Mr. and Mrs. Evans jointly...

11_bequeath_전하다.유언으로 증여하다.남기다.mp3


12. of my home and possessions ever since without thought of recompense, I bequeath the full bulk and remainder of my estate...



13. In case you haven't noticed, he is a very haphazard individual.

13_haphazard_되는 대로의.우연의.우연히.mp3


14. Well, there may be one small hitch to that. Unfortunately, Lt. Columbo refuses to search the house.

14_hitch_매기.걸기.…을 결혼시키다.mp3


15. - He claims it to be a waste of time. - Oh? Which merely perpetuates Edna's anxiety.

15_perpetuate_…을 영속하게 하다.불후하게 하다.영존시키다.mp3





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