
형사 콜롬보 S01E03.1971.Death.Lends.a.Hand (mp3 다운로드)

by 지천명영어 posted May 31, 2021


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크게 작게 위로 아래로 댓글로 가기 인쇄

소  제  목: Death Lends a Hand  

주요 직업: private detective(사설탐정)



이미지 4.png

(언론 재벌 부인이 사설탐정의 협박에 불응하자 사설탐정이 재벌 부인을 죽이기 직전 모습)


주요 내용은 언론재벌이 부인의 외도를 의심하고 사설탐정을 고용하여 부인의 뒷조사를 의뢰한다. 사설탐정은 언론재벌 회장에게는 조사결과 부인이 깨끗하다고 거짓말을 한다. 그러나, 그 거짓말은 부인을 위해서가 아니라 사설탐정이 그 부인을 미끼로 언론 정보를 캐내고자 함이었다. 즉, 사설탐정은 부인의 애정행각을 빌미로 협박을 한다. 하지만 양심의 가책을 느낀 부인이 그 제안을 거부하자 사설탐정이 부인을 우발적으로 죽인다는 내용이다.  그리고 이 살인 사건은 콜롬보가 수사하게 되나, 언론재벌은 수사진척이 맘에 들지 않자 또 다시 사건을 자신의 부인을 죽인 바로 그 사설탐정에게 수사를 맡기게 되고, 콜롬보는 살인범과 같이 공조 수사를 하게 되는 설정이다.


살해범이 사설탐정이라는 정황증거는 있으나 물증이 없자 콜롬보는 함정수사를 통해 범인의 자백을 받아낸다. 사설탐정 차량 배기파이프(exhaust pipe)에 감자를 넣어서 망가트려 차 속에 피해자의 콘택트렌즈를 확보하게 된다. exhaust란 말에 "배기"를 뜻한다니 이런 단어는 미리 알고 있으면 아주 싶지만 안 들어본 상태에서 연상하기란 쉽지 않다.



형사 콜롬보 S01E03 1971 Death Lends a Hand  (mp3 다운로드)


1. This one is as crooked as a dog's hind leg. Fire it in the vice this afternoon.



2. This one is as crooked as a dog's hind leg. Fire it in the vice this afternoon.



3. But lately it's been like waiting for a biopsy report... benign or malignant.



4. But lately it's been like waiting for a biopsy report... benign or malignant.

04_biopsy_생체 검사.…에 생체 검사를 하다.생체 검사에 의해 얻은 시료.mp3


5. Oddly enough, Mrs. Kennicut, I am a moralist, a vanishing species, so I'm told.



6. A thousand broken marriages come across my desk, infidelities, uh, domestic deceit.



7. A thousand broken marriages come across my desk, infidelities, uh, domestic deceit.



8. In your case, 10 years of marriage, and one brief indiscretion.

08_indiscretion_무분별.사려 없음.경솔.mp3


9. Your terrace door was unlocked, so I trespassed. Well, there's no car in the front.

09_trespass_침해하다.침입히다.폐를 끼치다.죄를 범하다.mp3


10. Do they all capitulate easily? I'm waiting for your answer.

10_capitulate_항복하다.성을 내주다.저항을 그만두다.mp3


11. - There were two blows. - Uh, send them on home. Laceration on the cheek and major contusion at the base of the skull.



12. - There were two blows. - Uh, send them on home. Laceration on the cheek and major contusion at the base of the skull.



13. she said to the caretaker she had some thinking to do... and then she went for a walk.

13_caretaker_관리인.돌보는 사람.직무의 임시 대행자.mp3


14. Uh, it's not based on anything, no facts, but, you know, I'm a superstitious guy. You know, I believe in signs.



15. I believe in palmistry and astrology and all that kinda thing.



16. I believe in palmistry and astrology and all that kinda thing.

16_palmistry_손금 보기.손재간의 비상함.수상술.mp3


17. Your Apollo line crosses the mound of the Moon. You know, that's very rare. And very impressive.



18. You see now, that jibed with something that I noticed about the body...

18_jibe_조화하다.일치하다.반대편의 뱃전으로 이동하다.mp3


19. Yeah, I would say that we have a left-handed murderer, and, uh, and an unpremeditated crime.

19_unpremeditated_즉석의.고의가 아닌.미리 잘 생각하지 않은.mp3


20. And right-handed. I'm ambidextrous. That means I don't favor either hand particularly.

20_ambidextrous_양손잡이의.손재주가 비상한.양손잡이인.mp3


21. As I was walking by, I saw the chrome was tarnished. You know what the salt air does to it. It just eats the life out of it.

21_tarnished_좋지 않은.변색된.바랜.mp3


22. There were two derelicts seen in the area. I have their description. I sent them over to your office, copies.

22_derelict_유기된.버려진.직무 태만자.mp3


23. Lieutenant, you have a marvelously convoluted mind. - I do? - I like it.



24. The trouble with your theory is, not only is it very tenuous, but it's impossible to prove, isn't it?



25. Just let me mull it over a little bit. Well, while you're mulling, consider my career.



26. Just a matter of vanity. She thought she looked better. Uh-huh. Did she wear 'em often?



27. Haven't been able to find out, sir, but I did learn one thing. Kennicut signed an exhumation order. All right, stay there. Til be right over.

27_exhumation_시체 발굴.발굴.mp3


28. Mrs. Kennicut is not your nephew, Lieutenant. Listen. Mrs. Kennicut was struck forcibly. Now let's bear that in mind.



29. They snuffed it off. They didn't even bother to look. All they were concerned about was the cause of death.

29_snuff_…을 코로 들이마시다.…을 냄새 맡아 분간하다.코담배.mp3


30. You take a potato, you stick it in the exhaust pipe.
