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소  제  목: Murder by the Book  

주요 직업: mystery writer(추리소설가)


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이 에피소드는 지금은 유명한 영화 감독인 스티븐 스필버그가 20대에 만들었다.


주요 내용은 동업을 하는 추리 소설작가 2명이 등장한다. 이들은 서로 친구이나 그들 소설이 잘 팔리면서 불화가 발생한다. 추리 소설을 주로 구상하고 집필한 친구가 결별을 선언하자, 자신의 이권을 보호하고 싶어하는 한 명이 친구를 살해한다는 내용이다.


이 에피소드 속의 잘 팔리는 추리소설 중의 하나가 Prescription Murder이다. 또한 이 제목은 형사 콜롬보 시리즈의 첫 에피소드  소제목이기도 하다.


재미있는 어휘는 corpus delicti가 있다. 라틴어근을 갖고 있는 법률용어이며, 시체 같은 범죄의 결정적 증거를 뜻한다. 형사 콜롬보 특성상 corpus delicti를 간간히 만날 수 있다. defamation of character 이란 단어의 우리 말뜻은 ‘명예훼손’ 이다. 우리나라 사람끼리 대화 할 때 분명히, 창피(humiliation) 와 명예훼손 (defamation of character) 을 분명히 구분해서 사용하지만, 영어 대화 도중에는 쓰고 싶어도 기억이 안 나서 못쓰는 대표적인 단어다. 또 하나는 lengthwise이다. 이 단어가 세로라는 뜻인가 보다. "clockwise"가 시계방향이란 뜻이 있으니, lenthwise에도 세로 방향이란 의미가 있는 것으로 생각된다.



형사 콜롬보 S01E02 1971 Murder by the Book - YouTube (친구를 총으로 살해하는 장면)


S01E02.1971.Murder.by.the.Book.zip  (mp3 다운로드)




1. For blowing my cork the other day. I got out of line. Forget it. That happens.



2. Oh, sure it is. Come on, let's be honest. I mean, it... it's no alimony but it's a termination.

02_alimony_별거 수당.부양.부양금.mp3


3. To the lady who made it all possible, the greatest sleuth in the world Mrs. Melville.



4. The aforementioned cabin, which has been... ...finished for over six months now. You haven't seen it.

04_aforementioned_전술한.앞서 언급한.전기한.mp3


5. As soon as we get down there, we'll uncork another bottle and we'll go fishing. Well, I can't... You know your trouble old buddy is?

05_uncork_코르크를 뽑다.토로하다.배출구를 마련해 주다.mp3


6. At least give me a chance to bury the hatchet with some style.

06_hatchet_손도끼.전부.불룩눈매퉁이속 등의 심해어의 총칭.mp3


7. Except for some contemplation, some fishing, and the refreshment of my spirit.



8. We signed an armistice. Oh, that's a relief.

08_armistice_휴전.정전.휴전 협정.mp3


9. Maybe in a previous incarnation, huh?



10. You're not lying to her. You're saving her a little anguish. Now will you pick up the phone and call her so we can start enjoying ourselves.



11. It's a cinch you have never cheated on Joanna before. If you want your wife to believe you're calling from the office... you don't have the operator place the call.

11_cinch_쉬운 일.확실한 일.꽉 잡기.mp3


12. I know it's insane... I just I... I...I keep thinking of cliches.

12_cliche_진부한 표현.진부한.판에 박은 문구.mp3


13. Who knows? But remember one thing without a corpus delicti... you can't prove a murder was committed in the first place.

13_corpus delicti_죄의 체소.범죄의 명백한 증거.타살체.mp3


14. Gee, that's funny... What? This thing is folded lengthwise. Like someone was carrying it in their pocket.



15. Now however interesting your observation is, it only leads us far astray.

15_astray_길을 잃어.못된 길에 빠져.타락하여.mp3


16. However, since you are beginning to learn how to emulate our dear lady, I'm going to give you something that you richly deserve.

16_emulate_모방하다.에뮬레이트하다.…와 우열을 겨루다.mp3


17. You did? I was completely fooled. You must have a devious mind. No dear, it's because you're young.

17_devious_꾸불꾸불한.바른길을 벗어난.일탈적인.mp3


18. The moment a man mentions a long-lost twin, you can inevitably know that it's going to be some impersonation.



19. I do so admire your candor. This isn't easy for me.



20. Probably a result of the boat capsizing and... ...rendering her unconscious.

20_capsizing_기업의 파산 수준에 달하는 인력 감축.mp3


21. It's also possible that she had a heart seizure, or she got dizzy. Then you think it was an accident?



22. Now it's my duty to inform you of your constitutional rights... Oh will you cut that drivel.

22_drivel_군침.콧물.군침을 질질 흘리다.mp3


23. ... for false arrest, and defamation of character. I kinda knew it right from the start.

23_defamation of character_명예 훼손.mp3


24. That's a provocative statement. Can you prove that? Yes. Not with the witness, because you killed the witness.

24_provocative_도발적인.자극적인.남을 약 올리는.mp3


25. Are you awarding gold medals today? Yes. For the first one. Not for the second one, that was sloppy.

25_sloppy_단정치 못한.질척질척한.흠뻑 젖은.mp3




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