미국드라마 영어 (아주 어려운 영어 듣기)

파일롯 에피소드


소  제  목: Prescription Murder

주요 직업: psychiatrist(정신과의사)


이미지 1.png

(형사 콜롬보 첫 등장 화면 - 형사 콜롬보의 특생이 생기기전 모습으로 젊고 깔끔한 외모를 보인다.)


콜롬보의 첫 편이다. 사실상 첫 방영이다. 왜냐하면, 이편은 시리즈 물을 만들기 전에 파일롯으로 제작되었다고 한다.


TV드라마 치고는 100분이라는 긴 상영시간을 갖고 있다. 아직 콜롬보 특유의 어수룩한 특징이 만들어지기 전 모습이다. 역시 콜롬보 전유물인 고물 차, 낡은 바바리코트도 등장하지 않는다. 하지만 내용을 구성하고 있는 특질은 처음부터 확고하게 자리잡고 있는 모습니다.


능력 있고 자신감 있으며 사회적으로 성공한 정신병의사가 자신의 부인을 정부와 함께 살인한다는 내용이다.


자신의 살인을 숨기기 위해서 애인에게 자신의 부인 옷을 입힌 후, 사람이 많은 비행기내에서 싸워 알리바이를 완벽하게 만들어 놓는다. 이 과정에서 부인의 옷과 선글라스로 변장한 모습이 들킬까 봐 불안해하는 공범 애인에 살인범이 한 말이 이번 에피소드의 핵심이다.

People see what they expect to see. It's the principle of association. (사람들은 보고 싶은 것만 본다. 이것이 연상의 원리하고 해.) 하지만, 콜롬보가 이 연상의 원리를 이용해 살인범을 검거하게 된다.


이 뿐만 아니라 다양한 심리학 용어로 보인다. 심리용어는 아니지만 red tape이라고 관료제의 부작용을 뜻하는 단어도 평범하게 쓰이는 모양이다.





S01E00.1968.Prescription.Murder.zip  mp3 다운




1. I hope you stump him, darling, because I am running out of B's.

01_stump_그루터기.괴롭히다.남은 부분.mp3


2. Do I see the flutter of white flags? Go ahead...tell us who it is.



3. Has my husband finished dazzling you with his intelligence? Because I have a little surprise for everyone. Everyone ready?



4. You'd better rephrase that, counselor. Pleasure, your honor... To the two finest people I ever knew.

04_rephrase_…을 고쳐 말하다.mp3


5. With my nails gnawed off and every neurosis in the book. I was in great shape, wasn't I?

05_gnaw_…을 괴롭히다.쏠다.…을 약하게 하다.mp3


6. You'll have to indulge me just this one last time, deary.

06_indulge_빠지다.탐닉하다.제멋대로 하게 하다.이용하다.만족시키다.mp3


7. It's lucky for you. I'm too well-bred to throw a tantrum. All right...fire away.

07_well-bred_가정 교육을 잘 받은.행실이 바른.품위 있는.mp3


8. It's lucky for you. I'm too well-bred to throw a tantrum. All right...fire away.



9. Extracurricular activity. I made that choice.

09_extracurricular_과외의.정식 과목 이외의.본 업무 이외의.mp3


10. He was the referral psychoanalyst and we discussed the case. Do you really expect me to believe that?



11. What about the wig? I'll get it from the studio makeup department today.

11_wig_가발.…에게 가발을 씌우다.mp3


12. Just pretend you're working on a role...right down to the props.

12_props_소도구.소품 담당자.합당한 존경.mp3


13. He could use a vacation himself, you know. He's prosecuting two new cases next month.



14. People see what they expect to see. It's the principle of association.



15. Yes, thank you. He's being paged. Thank you. Hospital red tape. Yeah, I know what you mean, Doctor.

15_red tape_관료적 형식주의.형식주의적인 절차.관청식의.mp3


16. I keep telling them it's bad for their posture. Bad for their posture, that's very good.



17. That's what irritates him, it's like a speck in his eye. He'd even look for flaws in the Old Testament.



18. I seem to be making a pest of myself.

18_pest_해충.유해물.작은 동물.mp3


19. The boy's obviously neurotic.

19_neurotic_신경의.신경증의.신경 과민의.mp3


20. They have a compulsion to purge themselves. Maybe they just wanna get their names in the papers.

20_purge_추방하다.…을 깨끗이 하다.정화.mp3


21. There were thumb indentations marks on the back of her neck, not on the front.

21_indentation_새긴 자국.톱니꼴 새김눈.첫머리를 안으로 들이기.mp3


22. And uh...I suppose you don't notice that in the ocean, do ya? I mean uh... So big, it'll just swallow everything up.



23. I'm only uh... I want the man who murdered my wife. Everything else is irrelevant.

23_irrelevant_관계가 없는.부적절한.무의미한.mp3


24. Has anyone ever told you you're droll? Me? Yes, you. Oh, come on, Doc...Come on.



25. Oh, but you are. You're a sly little elf. You should be sitting under your own private little toadstool.



26. Oh, but you are. You're a sly little elf. You should be sitting under your own private little toadstool.



27. Oh, but you are. You're a sly little elf. You should be sitting under your own private little toadstool.

27_toadstool_식용이 아닌 버섯.독버섯.버섯.mp3


28. You say you've been thrown off the case, and yet you have the flagrant audacity...



29. You say you've been thrown off the case, and yet you have the flagrant audacity...

29_flagrant_악명 높은.극악한.명백한.mp3


30. You can always have a snort between patients.



31. I haven't given you a Rorschach test yet, but I've got a hunch you're a bourbon man.

31_bourbon_부르봉 왕가.버번 위스키.극단적으로 보수적인 사람.mp3


32. I haven't given you a Rorschach test yet, but I've got a hunch you're a bourbon man.



33. I haven't given you a Rorschach test yet, but I've got a hunch you're a bourbon man.

33_rorschach test_로르샤흐 테스트.mp3


34. The insinuations, the change of pace. You're a bag of tricks, Columbo.



35. Right down to that prop cigar you use. Oh...come on Doc.



36. But you are the a textbook example of compensation. Of what, Doc? Compensation. Adaptability.



37. But you are the a textbook example of compensation. Of what, Doc? Compensation. Adaptability.



38. You think you cannot get by on looks or polish, So you turn that defect into a virtue.



39. Boy, you've got me pegged pretty good, Doctor.



40. Now you're trying flattery. No, really. I'm serious, Doctor. You've got a gift.



41. Psychiatry isn't a parlor trick.



42. Can you tell what makes him tick? Any particular one in mind?

42_tick_움직이다.외상.자녀가 있고 둘 다 출근하는 부부.mp3


43. Killing may be repugnant to him. But if it's his only solution, he uses it.

43_repugnant_싫은.불쾌한.일치하지 않는.mp3


44. So he said to me, he said... Lieutenant Columbo, you must be touching a sore spot.



45. He's very intelligent, my superior. I want to call my lawyer.

45_superior_우수한.상사.위의.더 나은.mp3


46. I had them taken at the morgue. They're in my briefcase. No! Why should you?

46_morgue_시체 공시장.시체 안치소.영안실.mp3


47. He said he was from the coroner's office. Try it again. Maybe you got the wrong number.

47_coroner_검시관.왕실 사유 재산 관리관.매장물 조사관.mp3


48. She stuffed herself with barbiturates... I didn't think... What didn't you think?




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